
Worthington Country Club
Charitable Foundation Documents

Meetings & Agendas:

Worthington Country Club Charitable Foundation's date of meeting, meeting agenda, and meeting minutes.  Click on the Agenda or Minutes for the meeting date you wish to read.

Meeting Date Meeting Agenda Meeting Minutes
2024/03/14 Agenda Minutes
2024/04/11 Agenda Minutes
2024/05/08 Agenda Minutes
2024/06/19 Agenda Minutes
2024/07/10 Agenda Minutes
2024/07/24 Agenda Minutes
2024/08/14 Agenda No Meeting
2024/09/11 Agenda Minutes
2024/10/23 Agenda Minutes

Articles of Incorporation:

Worthington Country Club Charitable Foundation's set of formal documents filed with the State of Florida to legally document the creation of the corporation and define its structure


Worthington Country Club Charitable Foundation's internal document to provide a framework for its management and operation.

501(C)(3) Determination Letter:

Letter from the IRS on their determination of Worthington Country Club Charitable Foundation's exemption status as a charitable organization.