Our History

Meet Our Team

"The beginning is the most important part of the work." Plato


According to Philanthropy New York, the word "philanthropy" derives from the Ancient Greek phrase philanthropia, meaning "to love people." Today, the concept of philanthropy includes the act of voluntary giving by individuals or groups to promote the common good.

A number of Worthington Country Club (WCC) members dreamed of making a difference in the lives of others and creating a charitable foundation similar to those of other country clubs in Southwest Florida. To that end, Gayle Landen Greene put the wheels in motion by establishing an incorporator's committee that developed a proposal to the Worthington Country Club Master Board for establishing the Worthington Country Club Charitable Foundation. Other Incorporators included Kathy DiPierro, Tom Lebretore, Coral Rice, and Tony Watkins.

After a summer of work to complete the Foundation's Articles of Incorporation (click here to review) and ByLaws (click here to review), the Foundation received approval from the WCC Master Board. The Foundation received its recognition as a non-profit corporation from the State of Florida in November 2022 and received its 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status in May 2024.

Foundation Board Members serve three-year terms, and members of WCC who are interested in serving are encouraged to contact any board member. WCC members are also encouraged to let board members know about charities that align with the values and culture of WCC and that all members of the community would be proud to support.

Gayle Landen Greene
Tom Lebretore
Coral Rice
Judy Williams Morrow
Carolyn Luomala
Joanne Riccardi
Suzie Crews
Amy Newell
Bryant Walker